Glittering gold and lacy background This
tutorial was created and put online on Dicember 8, 2002. Groups can freely link to it. I don't
have the time to assist people in doing this tutorial, but if you have
problems downloading the supplies needed, please, email
me. Do you like gold? Do you like lacy? Do you like whatever glitters? If your answers are yes to all 3 questions, here is the background for you! This tutorial is rated according to the FBNG's Skill Level Standard
For this tutorial you'll need: - Paint Shop Pro, get it here - A round doily tube, you can download one here, there are 2 pages and plenty to choose from! ( Each doily will give you a different, unique background!) - Simple filters, download it here - This gold fill, right-click and save it, minimize in your PSP
Remember to save often! Let's begin! 1) Open the doily tube, go to Image/Resize 200x200 , then Effects/Sharpen 2) Add a new layer, floodfill it with the goldfill you have downloaded, go to Layers/Send to bottom, then Layer/merge visible 3) Effects/Simple/centre tile 4) Go to your layer palette and right-click on this layer, choose duplicate and duplicate this layer 3 times, 5) Highlight layer 1, go to Effects/noise/add and choose 25 random 6) Highlight the first copy of layer 1, go to Effects/noise/add and choose 50 random 7) Highlight trhe second copy of layer 1, go to Effects/noise/add and choose 75 random 8) Highlight the third copy of layer 1, go to Effects/noise/add and choose 100 random 9) Save it as background.psp OPEN ANIMATION SHOP 10) First of all let's make sure your program can use layered files: go to Preferences/General Program Preferences/layered files, tick the first, second and sixth (last one) options 11)Go to File/Animation Wizard. First window: as the first frame. Second window: Transparent. Third window: top left corner, content of previous frame. Fourth window: yes, indefinitely, 5/100, Fifth window: find your background.psp. End. 12) View/Animation. If you are satisfied save your background with the default settings
YOU'RE DONE! Thanks for trying my tutorial :)
Tutorial Copyright ©dani 2002